Recent News
Young Navigators Challenge Young Entrepreneurs to Solve Problems.

May 3, 2024

Congratulations Magdalene Iremia-Apelu 13DW and Beni Mafi 13Dw for being selected and completing the Young Enterprise Scheme,… Read More
Parliamentary Visit for Fakatoukatea Tongan Leadership Group

May 3, 2024

A group of Year 13 Tongan students, graduates of the Fakatoutakea Programme had the privilege of visiting Parliament on… Read More
Alec Insley Continues His Winning Ways.

May 2, 2024

Alec Insley 13 KR is one of the rising stars of New Zealand Midget car racing. He has an impressive 7 podium finishes in… Read More
Stars In Their Eyes !

Apr 30, 2024

Last week of term saw the Battle of The Bands ignite much anticipation for break time at OHS. Senior music students, who… Read More
Welcome to Term Two

Apr 30, 2024

It is wonderful to walk around the school and see students focused and working in every area of the curriculum. Read More
Past Pupils Group Proud to Be OHS Alumni

Apr 29, 2024

The 2024 OHS Past Pupils Group met last term at a truly enjoyable and entertaining first meeting. This was a group who met… Read More
Silver Medal at NZ Track and Field Champs for Lisa!

Apr 21, 2024

Lisa Hellyer won the Silver Medal in the U18 Women’s 800m Final at the National Track and Field Championships in Wellington… Read More
Art Thrives At OHS

Apr 11, 2024

Impressed by the outstanding quality of work by our artists Read More
Massey High School Sports Exchange

Apr 9, 2024

Sports Exchange with Massey High School - volleyball, netball, basketball, rugby & footbal Read More
Conducting the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra!

Apr 8, 2024

Y10 students thrive at the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra’s (APO) 'Can you be a Conductor? Read More
Inspiring Spoken Word Workshop

Apr 8, 2024

Spoken Word at the National Youth Poetry Conference, Word Summit Read More
Te Haerenga Stimulates Creativity

Apr 8, 2024

OHS Marae Te Haerenga provides inspiration for Y11 artists Read More

Apr 4, 2024

Theatresports workshop for seniors to hone their craft Read More
Four Medals for OHS Athletes

Mar 28, 2024

Great results at the Auckland Athletic Championships Read More
Profile - New Leader of Learning Area for Mathematics

Mar 28, 2024

Posted in GeneralProfile: Mr Vicky Deo Read More
Jake Shearer Selected for Exclusive Canterbury University Programme

Mar 28, 2024

Passion for field of astronomy and physics takes Jake to UC's Mt John Observatory in Tekapo Read More
Creative Writing Success

Mar 26, 2024

Alumni Renee has won publication in the Re-Draft 2023 journal Read More
Jacob Inspired by Environmental Science

Mar 25, 2024

Jacob Cooper selected for 2024 Blake Inspire Programme Read More
Magdalene Seeks Success

Mar 25, 2024

Level 3 Business student, taking part in the Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) Read More
Determined Debaters' Impress

Mar 25, 2024

Debating team in the Auckland Regionals Read More