School Song / School Haka
Ko te kura tuarua o Onehunga waiata - Onehunga High School Song

Written by Annie Te Moana (Y13 Student 2004)
Music by Larry Nimalota (Y13 Student 2003)

Ko te kura tuarua o Onehunga
He mihi kau atu ki a koutou e
Ko matou nga uri whakaeke o ma-a–tou tipuna
E tu pakari ana hei rangatira
Mo apopo, mo apopo

Ko Te Haerenga, te marae kura
Tu tonu, tu tonu
He whare wananga mo ma-a-tou ko Manukau te moana
E teretere ana ko Mangere
Maungakiekie, nga maunga e

Ko te kura tuarua o Onehunga
Onehunga High School
He mihi kau atu ki a koutou e
We greet all of you present
Ko matou nga uri whakaeke o ma-a–tou tipuna
We remember and acknowledge our ancestors
E tu pakari ana hei rangatira
And the leaders standing before us
Mo apopo, mo apopo
For the future, for the future

Ko Te Haerenga, te marae kura
Te Haerenga our marae
Tu tonu, tu tonu
Stand tall, stand tall
He whare wananga mo ma-a-tou ko Manukau te moana
This place of education and learning with the Manukau sea as our guide
E teretere ana ko Mangere
Our community of Mangere
Maungakiekie, nga maunga e
And Maungkiekie as our mountain

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Onehunga High School Haka

Written and Choregraphed by:


Taringa whakarongo

E ngā mātāwaka o te kura nei,

Kia kotahi rā!

 Ā hī aue, hī!
Kaea:Ā, ko wai rā, e tūturi nei?

Ko Ngāi Pīkoko o te whare tapu o Te Haerenga e tūturi nei!

I a ha ha!

E tū pakari ana hei rangatira

Ko te hiahia, ko te whainga ko te maramatanga e

Amohia te mana te wehi o Tūkanguha

Ko te tautoko ko te kaha o Hineahuone


Ahakoa nō te tī nō te tā

He waka eke noa, he waka eke noa,

Kia piripono Kia mātātoa e! I a ha ha!

Rere ana te ihiihi, rere ana te wehiwehi

Ki runga i te rangi e tū nei

Ko Onehunga e ngunguru nei!

Au! Au! Aue ha - hi!


Taringa whakarongo


E ngā mātāwaka o te kura nei,

All the various waka, tribes, ethnicities, people of this school

Kia kotahi rā!

Be united as one!

Ā hī aue, hī!

Ā, ko wai rā, e tūturi nei?

Who is this kneeling here?


 Ko Ngāi Pīkoko o te whare tapu o Te Haerenga e tūturi nei!

The tribe who hungers for learning from the sacred house of Te Haerenga is kneeling here!

I a ha ha!


E tū pakari ana hei rangatira

Stand strong, future leaders

Ko te hiahia, ko te whainga ko te maramatanga e

The desire, the pursuit is enlightenment

Amohia te mana te wehi o Tūkanguha

Carry on your shoulders the prestige and power of Tū the fearless one!

Ko te tautoko ko te kaha o Hineahuone

The support and inner strength of Hineahuone.


Ahakoa nō te tī nō te tā

Regardless of where you come from

He waka eke noa, he waka eke noa,

We are all on this journey together.

Kia piripono Kia mātātoa e! I a ha ha!

Be Loyal! Be courageous!

Rere ana te ihiihi, rere ana te wehiwehi

Let the passion and awesomeness flow

Ki runga i te rangi e tū nei

Up high above.

Ko Onehunga e ngunguru nei!

It is Onehunga rumbling here!

Au! Au! Aue ha - hi!