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48 Hour Film Project

48 Hour Film Project

The 48 Hour Film Project is an annual film competition in which teams of filmmakers are assigned a genre, a character, a prop, and a line of dialogue, and have 48 hours to create a short film containing those elements.

OHS had two teams of Year 12 and 13 Media students enter the competition that spans a weekend.

This year each team  was required to make a short film in the Fantasy genre, featuring specific characters, narrative, and film techniques.

The year 12 team,‘L A sCene’ made a film called “Milk Run” featuring a dramatic midnight break-in to fetch a jug of milk, while Pleasant Street Pictures, the year 13 team, made a film called “Fairy Ring” featuring a fight scene between elves and an unlucky young man who stumbled upon their forest kingdom.

Congratulations to the following students  who did incredibly well to produce high quality films in a high pressure environment.

Team 1: “L.A. sCene” featured, Emerson Rockell, Jasmine Swords, Jessica De Silva, Vinnie Carter, Elsie Woodward and Ella Cunningham

Team 2: “Pleasant Street Pictures” featured Ella McGuigan, Natalie Sifaheone, and former students Haleni Dawber and Avi Singh.


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