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Level 2 Bio Trip Strengthens Understanding.

Level 2 Bio Trip Strengthens Understanding.

The study of biology often takes students out into the field to observe nature in its natural setting.

Level 2 Biology students traveled to North Head, to examine the foreshore this week. This rocky outcrop is home to a multitude of small invertebrates, providing a perfect opportunity for students to understand the relationships and adaptations of intertidal organisms to their habitat.

Using line transects and quadrats, the students gathered the necessary data to establish distribution and abundance patterns. Becoming familiar with these standardised field techniques is necessary for any student who wishes to study ecology. This hands-on experience is important to better our understanding of the precarious state of the environment and our need to maintain ecosystems for the future.

Students thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to take their learning out into the environment they are studying. They gathered the data that they will need for NCEA assessments in a memorable and meaningful way.

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